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2024 Exhibitions
The year 2024 marks the 400th anniversary of the founding of Fort Orange, the first permanent Dutch settlement that developed into the present-day city of Albany. To commemorate this milestone, the Albany Institute has developed DELIGHTS OF THE SENSES: Seventeenth-Century Dutch Art and Life, centered around a partnership with The Leiden Collection, one of the preeminent private collections of seventeenth-century Dutch paintings in the United States.
The Albany Institute is located on the traditional homelands of the Mohican people. The Albany area is traditionally called Pempotowwuthut-Muhhecanneuw, meaning "the fireplace of the Mohican nation.” PEOPLE OF THE WATERS THAT ARE NEVER STILL: A Celebration of Mohican Art and Culture is an exhibition that honors the Muh-he-con-ne-ok people, contemporarily known as the Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohican Indians.
An exhibition of the work of award-winning artist Salley Mavor is open through February 23, 2025. ENCHANTING THREADS: The Art of Salley Mavor showcases the exceptional detail and three-dimensional quality of the artist’s fabric relief illustrations and sculptural needlework.