LECTURE Worlds Apart: Introducing Frank Lloyd Wright to the Chairs at Schuyler Mansion

Our guest today is David Bayne, Conservator at the New York State Bureau of Historic Sites.

David Bayne, Conservator, New York State Bureau of Historic Sites

Frank Lloyd Wright is infamous for uncomfortable furnitue; the chairs he designed for the Darwin Martin House in Buffalo are classic examples. In contrast, the chairs at Schuyler Mansion tell a story of grace and comfort. Where might we be if he had learned his lessons during a field trip to Schuyler Mansion in Albany?

Free admission

IMAGE: Johnson Wax Company Chair, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959), c. 1938, manufactured by Steelcase Corporation, Grand Rapids, MI, photo by Michael Koryta and Andrew VanStyn, Director of Acquisitions, Conservation and Photography at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Jacksonville, Florida

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