50 OBJECTS PROGRAM The Cupboard at the Center of the World: American Kasten and their Style and Use in Colonial Dutch New York

Our guest speaker is Peter Kenny, author, Co-President, Classical American Homes Preservation Trust, and recently retired Curator and Administrator of the American Wing, the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Peter Kenny, author, Co-President, Classical American Homes Preservation Trust, and recently retired Curator and Administrator of the American Wing, the Metropolitan Museum of Art

The kast is a large, freestanding textile storage cupboard. Massive in scale, these kasten held on stubbornly in the Hudson River Valley until the early 19th-century. American kasten projected the same values as their counterparts in the Netherlands, and were at the very center of the New York Dutch household.

Free with museum admission

This program relates to our exhibition, The Capital Region in 50 Objects.

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